Best Way to Use Travelers Notebooks for Bible Journaling

Traveler's notebooks are a neat alternative to using a Bible to journal your fourth dimension in the Word. Peculiarly if yous're concerned about potentially ruining your Bible.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a traveler's notebook using our The Truth Volition Fix Yous Free printable bachelor in our shop. I've printed out the cover, and I've printed out the insert prompts.The prompts include the date, today's verse, reflection, prayer, thankful for, and doodle and drawings.

Here'due south what you need:

  • Truth Traveler's Notebook Printable
  • Piercing pad and tool or
  • Long-arm stapler
  • Staples
  • Scissors or paper trimmer

You don't need to use these tools. If you have something that's like, you lot can employ what you have on hand. If you have a long-arm stapler, yous don't need the piercing mat.


Step 1 – Impress the Traveler's Notebook Cover

Print the Traveler'due south Notebook embrace. Yous can even apply paper or cardstock. Possibly you have some awesome scrapbooking newspaper in your house.

Footstep 2 – Impress Insert Paper Double-Sided

Print the lined insert paper double-sided. Alternatively, employ blank paper.

Step 3 – Measure Your Cut Lines

Yous want to brand sure that your traveler'south notebook is 11 centimeters wide past 21 centimeters tall. 11 centimeters is 4.33 inches, and 21 centimeters is 8.25 inches.

Pace iv – Line Up Your Papers

Make sure the inserts all friction match up. This is the hardest part of creating these. If you get information technology incorrect, the newspaper will be a piddling off middle. If you have any issues, try using blank paper for the inside. It's easier.

Footstep five – Trim the Paper

Trim the paper. I similar to practice the inserts commencement because they're on dissimilar newspaper. The encompass is cardstock, and the inserts are on copy paper. Yous may cull to fold the newspaper in half earlier you cutting it or trim and then fold it. The choice is yours.

I utilise markers on my newspaper trimmer then that I know where I'm supposed to cut. You lot desire to make sure that your traveler's notebook is xi centimeters or 4.33 inches broad past 21 centimeters or 8.25 inches tall.

When you trim the cover, you may want to make information technology slightly bigger just in case the inserts are too beefy. You could also do this in reverse and trim the cover first and inserts slightly smaller than the cover. It'south always easier to trim because one time information technology's gone, y'all tin't add it dorsum.

Stride Half-dozen – Staple the Traveler's Notebook

If you have a long-arm stapler, staple the eye, and one on each side. I don't accept a long-arm stapler, then I accept to utilize a paper piercer. Alternatively, you tin apply a push pin, a needle, or anything that has a precipitous point edge.

To utilize a piercing tool, get-go, line up the staples to where y'all want to punch holes. Use the piercing tool to punch the holes. Peel off a few of the staples using your finger nail, pen, or pointy object.

Then put your staples in the holes, and flip over the paper and then you can fold the staples inward. If you have problems getting your staples in the holes, consider doing one staple at a time.

Stride Vii – Finalize the Design

If yous take a traveler's notebook, then your newly created insert will just slip correct inside of that. I don't have one of those notwithstanding, so I just carry these around by themselves. I put a little rubberband safety ring effectually it to keep it airtight. If you have eyelets, you could punch them through the cover or use brads with a little piece of string to keep the notebook closed if you desire to.

Step Eight – Decorate

There are many ways that you could decorate this and create something that's cute and fun that y'all volition exist proud of. Add some paint, embellishments, and accept a blast. You'll be prepare to carry this around with y'all wherever y'all get.

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