Introduction: DSLR Microphotography

Microphotography is the fine art of photographing objects with magnification greater than a standard macro lens, just less than a typical microscope. This allows you to photograph things very - very - close up, simply still use relatively standard photography equipment.

There are a number of ways to attain microphotography using commercially available lenses and systems. All the same, in this tutorial I am going to evidence you lot how to DIY your ain microphotography setup for a fraction of the toll. While building your own system includes its ain gear up of challenges, it too provides a big caste of flexibility and enables customization.

Step 1: Macrophotography Vs. Microphotography

A typical macro lens has a 1:1 magnification. What this means is that the size of the object beingness photographed gets translated onto the camera sensor at its own size. In other words, if yous have a one" square being photographed, the square will take up a 1" square worth of expanse on the camera sensor.

With microphotography, the object will show up on the sensor bigger than it actually is. For instance if y'all accept a two:ane lens (2X magnification), and you shoot a 1" square, it will take upwards two" square worth of space on the sensor.

The magnification in microphotography can be every bit groovy every bit 20X larger. Anything beyond that is typically considered microscopic photography and employs a microscope to view very small things.

Footstep 2: Homebrew Microphotography Rig

Step 3: Microscope Objective

In this case the objective I am using has 10X magnification, but I could hands swap information technology out for whatever other objective between 2X up to 20X magnification.

In that location are two types of microscope objectives, those being infinite focus and fixed focus. Infinite focus lenses need to be mounted at the end of a camera lens focused to infinity. Fixed focus lenses don't require an additional lens, simply need to exist placed a fixed distance abroad from the camera'south sensor.

Microscope objectives are like photographic camera lenses in that they are non all created equal. Some are manufactured meliorate than others and employ better optical drinking glass. When merely getting started, it is not specially important how high-finish of an objective y'all get. However, it is recommended that you lot always buy one that is new. At high magnifications, a piddling bit of vesture and tear can cause big blemishes in your photo.

I decided to use a microscope objective with a fixed focus of 160mm. What this means is that the microscope objective should exist placed 160mm from the photographic camera's sensor. This distance is a fairly standard fixed focus distance.

Pace 4: Bellows

One way to achieve this spacing - and the ane I decided to employ - is to use a 150mm bellows. This should provide the 160mm that is needed for the objective since the photographic camera'southward sensor is non correct at the opening of the camera body, merely prepare dorsum slightly inside of the photographic camera. In fact, this distance will likely exist greater than the 10mm (0.4") distance that needs to exist made upwards. This is fine since the bellows is adjustable and can be tuned in as need be.

The do good of using bellows is that it is inexpensive, and adaptable allowing for easy focusing. The cons of using a bellows setup is that they are notorious for collecting grit, and essentially function as an air pump which moves dust and particles into your camera body and onto the sensor. If you lot are using this setup often, practice not be surprised if you encounter pieces of hair or grit starting to testify up in the exact same places in all of your photos. This means that your camera sensor needs cleaning. While you can do this yourself, I recommend having it sent out for professional cleaning instead.

Another pick is to use fixed extender tubes. Past stacking extender tubes, y'all can become the length you lot need, although 1 of the downsides of using them is that focusing becomes trickier. Also, unless you buy high stop extender tubes, they are known for breaking and dropping lenses.

Step v: Adapter Rings

To connect the objective to the Catechism bellows I ended upward using two sets of adapters. The offset adapter converted the Catechism's standard lens attachment ring down to a 42 mm threading.

The second adapter converted the 42mm threading to the smaller RMS threading used past the microscope objective. RMS stands for Royal Microscopical Society and is one of the more common threadings for microscope objectives.

Stride 6: LED Light

When working with microscope objectives, a lot of light is necessary to assist go a sharp focus. Achieving good lighting tin can get a little bit challenging.

At the finish of the bellows I have fastened a lens-mount LED ring light. Since the bellows did non accept a camera lens threading appropriate for attaching the light, I simply zip tied the light to the stop of the bellows. This positions the calorie-free centered effectually the microscope objective, and set back ever-so-slightly from the lens. In my experience I find it works adequately well.

I always go along the LED lite set to full brightness. Since I am not using the ring light every bit a strobe, it does not particularly matter if the trigger unit of measurement is plugged into the photographic camera'due south hot shoe. Nevertheless, it is designed to exist mounted in that location and I only find this is the most sensible place to keep it.

Other microphotographers utilise two photographic camera wink units mounted on each side of the objective pointed inwards at 45 degrees. They say this produces a crisper prototype with less blur. However, I constitute this setup to be besides cumbersome and difficult to punch in. I decided to stick with constant LED lighting, and have generally been pleased with the results.

Stride 7: Tripod

If you don't want all of your pictures to be blurry, you lot will need a very stable tripod. For my shots I take been using a quite sturdy Manfroto tripod with a horizontal column. This means that the key column of the tripod tin can extend outward, and then pivot a total 90 degrees, allowing you to point your photographic camera directly downwards. Put another way, it allows you to move the tripod head to exist on a plane perpendicular to the tripod itself. While this setup is extremely helpful when doing this kind of photography, proceed in mind that it tin can be pricey.

Step 8: Focusing

Focusing is extremely tricky. The focal aeroplane at this magnification is very small and information technology's extremely hard to focus in upon anything. If yous expect at the above video you will notice how chop-chop the subjects enter and go out focus.

The first thing to note nigh this is that the strange alien forest is actually a closeup on staff of life mold, and the spores nosotros are looking at are barely visible to the human eye under normal circumstances. Yet, when trying to focus upon it, very slight adjustments to the focal plane speedily sends us through a three dimensional fungi universe.

In short, focusing requires both patience and exercise. Having adjustable bellows is helpful considering it allows you to easily make slight adjustments to the position of the objective. Typically, a few millimeters of give and accept is all y'all demand to focus in upon an object.

Step ix: Shooting

With focusing being so touchy, the simple action of pressing the camera shutter button is more than than enough to knock your subject out of focus or create motion blur. To compensate for this, I utilise the wireless remote to trigger the camera so that when I take my shot lined upwards, I do non need to and so touch the photographic camera to capture it.

Additionally, the vibration from the camera's mirror organization alone tin be plenty to cause a shot to be blurry. To account for this, I shoot in live view mode with Silent LV: Mode 2 enabled. This configuration creates the minimal corporeality of mechanical motility within the camera when shooting pictures.

Step 10: Alternate Method

Another style to get a magnification greater than one:one is to only attach a macro lens to the terminate of a camera bellows. The pictured Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L IS USM Macro Lens has given me a magnification of a little over 2X. This is not quite as good equally the 10X that I can go using the microscope objective. However, the ease of utilize and image quality makes this a quick method for achieving micro level photos.

Pace xi: Focus Stacking

Even under the all-time of circumstances, if yous are shooting something with whatsoever depth, just a sliver will be in focus at whatsoever given time. 1 way to get around this is to use a technique called "focus stacking."

Focus stacking allows you to take a bunch of photos that were shot at slightly different depths, and merge them together into one well-baked image in post-production (typically using Photoshop). By doing this, it will average the images and merge the parts which are in focus.

If you would similar to learn more about focus stacking, check out my Focus Stacking instructable.

Step 12: Explore the Microscopic

Now that you've got your microphotography setup under command, all that's left to practise is to take some pictures. Like annihilation else in life, the virtually important matter is practice, practise, exercise.

To kickoff, I was simply just amazed at the things I was able to see. So, I was annoyed that the pictures were not coming out likewise as I had hoped. Finally, afterward a lot of shooting and refining my techniques, I was able to take some photos that I was pleased with. I'm hardly close to being an expert at this, but I practice savour the challenge of exploring the microscopic world.

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