How to Make a Career in Wildlife Photography

Nature and Wildlife Photography Career

When nigh people think 'wildlife photography career' they immediately think of selling their images. Yep, this is an option for you and at that place are a few stock photograph sites that you tin can submit your images to such as






These stock photo sites will pay you between 20 and sixty% of the the price upon the auction on your images. But in society to sell, your images must exist good quality, well exposed, sharp, high-resolution images.

All the above photo sites are free to bring together but they do not market your images. You will submit your images and and then you will accept to await until they contact you.

If you lot would prefer a more than proactive stock photo site then yous should consider Global Center because they will market your images and generate sales and leads for you. They practice, still, charge a small joining fee Simply y'all get 100% of the sales price of your image - there is no 50% committee payable on each photograph!

If y'all're still wondering how the business organisation works, what'southward required and how to get started, become a re-create of the costless Stock Photography 101 report as it answers all the big questions from photographers looking to go into stock and non quite certain how all the pieces fit together.

And if you're wondering just what your photos are worth, or how you go about determining prices when a client comes knocking on your door, here's a complimentary Stock Price Calculator

If yous go with the gratuitous options above yous will need to advertise your business concern and yous can practise and then free at sites such as

You will evidently demand a website and you can create one for gratis or at a reasonable cost at sites such as



If you desire to but own a website and sell a few images in society to brand some actress coin to supplement your income then selling images to stock sites is for you - but if y'all desire to create a photography business organization  that will allow y'all to somewhen give upward your current wearisome job then read on...

A wildlife photography career was our dream yet both Jennifer and I used to have ix to five jobs with most of our bosses leaving much to be desired.

A wildlife photography career was our goal as this was ourhobby and passion just we were stuck in a corporate world where nosotros got to go to the national parks once a year - on our annual holiday.

Can you relate to this? Nosotros idea and then!

In 2005 nosotros realised the power of the world-broad-web and decided to create a web site to see if we could make a wildlife photography career from our hobby.

We knew nothing virtually HTML and not much about creating a web site. Nosotros hired a designer who created the following web site for u.s....

At that place were a few things incorrect with the web site:

It was created in 'flash' - not a good idea if you desire all the search engines to find you!

The pages were not centered only left-justified, leaving a lot of barren white space to the right of each folio

The site had nearly a dozen pages - not very impressive to visitors or search engines

And lastly the designer would take from a few weeks to a month or ii to brand changes. And and so some of the changes were not what we wanted, leading to more waiting - all of this is what drove us mad!

So much for our wild fauna photography career!

And then in 2008 we heard about Site Build It! or Solo Build It! as they are now called, and how many people were able to surrender their day jobs equally they were making a good living from the internet. We were skeptical and procrastinated for the whole twelvemonth.

Nosotros tried to find other ways to build a website but by the end of the year, and after much inquiry, it seemed that SBI! was the fashion to become for our dream wild animals photography career.

We could create our own website without having to rely on unreliable designers and we did not need to know anything about web design or HTML! And any changes we wanted to our web site could be done in minutes.

Should you wish to get the eBook, click on the above book cover, then click 'Add together to Cart' where you'll see a push called 'Add Promo Code'. Click on it so add the word K2K  and the 33% disbelieve will be automatically practical. This code is valid until the end of the month, and then don't filibuster!

"This is an indispensable guide to getting the all-time out of Kruger, camera in paw or not!"

- Caroline Webb, Associate Editor, Getaway Mag, South Africa

With SBI! you are able to create your wild animals photography career and not but a website.

In December 2008 we paid our annual subscription and within a year we had created over 120 pages and our Google PR ranking had jumped from 0 to 3. Inside 2 years our ranking had climbed to iv and by yr five we had a page-rank of 5.

This page ranking (PR) is Google'southward impression of the site in terms of not only number of visitors simply the importance of the information provided and the length of time visitors stay on each folio.

The dazzler about SBI! is that they have a template that you populate with your information - you lot then preview the folio, click 'analyze', and if it meets the search engine spider and human being company criteria, you and then click 'Build' and viola! - you lot have a page that is live on the web. You then echo this with each page and follow their ten-day program to success.

We are selling our images, the web site is making coin for united states of america and nosotros are at present able to visit the Kruger Park, Kgalagadi, Etosha the Pilanesberg and whatever other national park a few times each year. We wish we had started with SBI back in 2005!

SBI! Constantly Updates their Product

Then in 2012 SBI updated their systems and went from SBI! 2.0 to SBI! iii.0.

In addition they have upgraded their quondam block-builder template (BB1) to a new BB2 template that is much more flexible.

SBI! has a expert production and we are getting about 250 000 visitors per annum. Back in 2005 our web site cost us well-nigh Usa$500,00 and we ended upward with a 'dead' website. The designer designed the site equally best he knew and then left the rest to us - nosotros would need to notify the search engines, market place our site to the directories and then forth.

We also looked at converting to a WordPress website but it would cost US$1800,00 and that does non include maintenance, security etc. We would therefore exist looking at U.s.$2000,00 just for year-1.

With SBI! our costs are US$299.00 per year and this annual subscription cost has stayed constant for these 5 years and includes all the SEO, maintenance and security stuff that needs to exist done regularly!

At the end of the day SBI has a winning product and if you lot stick to their 'tortoise' formula you tin can have a successful website business. That's the cardinal - SBI helps and guides you to build a business that makes money and not simply build a website.

The winning formula of SBI! is C-T-P-M (create good Content, drive relevant Traffic to your site, Pre-sell the visitors and and so Monetize past selling your goods or services). This is where SBI excels as they show you, via 10 steps, exactly what y'all should exercise to make a successful on-line business.

Keep in mind that creating an online business can work for a wild fauna photography career as well as many other careers.

You need to take what you are passionate well-nigh - exist information technology wedding photography, sport photography, travelling to sure places, dogs, cats, health, sports, finance or anything else - and then provide information to other people who volition do good from your knowledge.

Y'all may also want to read our interviews with Todd Gustafson, Nigel Dennis and Daryl Balfour who are professional person wildlife photographers and they explain to us how they got started.

All of them started their careers before the appearance of the net and so had to rely on the quality and uniqueness of their images to win photo competitions or to catch the middle of a publisher so that they could publish their first book or magazine article.

The one thing the above professional person photographers all accept in mutual is that they are prepared to work hard to build their businesses.

Most started their wild animals photography career by selling their images and publishing books.

Times have inverse and their book and photo sales accept decreased merely they looked for other income avenues such as photo safaris and creating their own websites where they weblog, publish newsletters and marketplace their various products and services.

In addition to a website you should write articles similar the ones nosotros write for and you should write manufactures for quality websites such as Digital Photography School and for quality magazines such as PhotographyBB.

Here are 3 of our PhotographyBB articles that you lot can download:

• Kgalagadi - a Nature Photographer's Paradise • Etosha - the Ultimate African Self-Drive Photo Safari • Photographing S Africa's super-seven on a budget

If your articles are quality articles (pregnant they are original and provide value to the reader) other websites may see them and republish them like our articles onPictureCorrect and onFindTripInfo.comYous should also wait for opportunities to be interviewed. If you tell exciting stories and prove your good images there is a adept chance that people will approach yous in guild to interview yous.

You can download a PDF of our most recent interviewHereRemember that your website won't market place itself - SBI volition let the search engines know most each of your new pages but in addition you need to drive extra visitors to your site and this is accomplished by articles, which also adds to your brownie.

SBI offers theOriginal BlockBuilder two, whileSBI! for WP uses WordPress and y ou tin also check your WordPress website and server speed at Bitcatcha .

If you lot decide to sell eBooks like nosotros do then y'all must practise a press release. We submitted thispress release for The Lensman's Guide to Etosha National Park to merely four free press release websites and within a few days our search engine hits had gone from just 2 pages to over ten pages of results for our eBook!

There are many PR websites but virtually accuse for their service simply the following four have complimentary options so you can exam their results:

http://world wide

For ourPhotographers Guide to the Pilanesberg eBook we used a paid printing release service that cost Us$700,00 and we had a few hundred reposts and mentions merely got no more book sales than when we sent out the gratis press release for our Etosha eBook!

We will therefore be sticking to the gratuitous printing release services in future!

Procrastination and Excuses will be your downfall and your Wildlife Photography Career will never take off...

A photographer friend of mine wants a wildlife photography career then he was watching how I was building my online business concern. He was very interested and and then said "It looks similar too much hard work!"

This is only 1 of many excuses some people will use in lodge to procrastinate, notwithstanding for motivated people who are fix to work the internet now enables amateur photographers to display their photographs and market themselves to millions of people.

To read some of our marketing tips delight gyre down to the bottom of this folioSome photographers are making a living via their websites by selling their photographs, selling mousepads and calendars containing their photographs, while others are selling eBooks, like we are doing, that provide advice on how to take better photographs.

A wild fauna photography career is not impossible equally there are many ways for yous to earn a living from your hobby via a website.

You have the cameras and lenses, yous have the photographs, now all you need is a business concern and SBI! or WordPress provides that online business for you!

Take united states of america as a case report - nosotros have a successful wildlife photography career based on our passion, equipment, skill and the world wide web!

Return from Wild animals Photography Career to Photographic Vision pageReturn from Wildlife Photography Career to Kruger-2-Kalahari home page

"It'south 764 pages of the well-nigh astonishing information. It consists of, well, everything really. Photography info...area info...hidden roads..special places....what they have seen almost road past route. Where to stay merely outside the Park...military camp information. It takes quite a lot to impress me merely I really feel that this volume, which was vii years in the making, is infrequent." - Janey Coetzee, Due south Africa

Photographer's Guide to Etosha

"Your time and money are valuable and the information in this Etosha eBook will help you lot salve both."
-Don Stilton, Florida, Us

"As a photographer and someone who has visited and taken photographs in the Pilanesberg National Park, I can safely say that with the cognition gained from this eBook, your experiences and photographs will be much more than memorable."
-Alastair Stewart, BC, Canada

"This eBook will be extremely useful for a wide spectrum of photography enthusiasts, from beginners to even professional photographers."
- Tobie Oosthuizen, Pretoria, South Africa


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Photo Safaris on a Private Vehicle - but You, the guide & the animals!

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